March 31 “Print” Image Newsmagazine

Click to read the March 31, 2021 edition of The Image Newsmagazine

One whole year. One year of “the new normal”. One year of masks, hand sanitizer and social distancing. One year of chaos. One year of growth.

No matter what your individual experience was during this past year, we all share one thing in common: COVID-19 impacted us in some way.

From Spring Break 2020 to Spring Break 2021, we have experienced everything from virtual performances to a whole new way of learning. But, through all the canceled trips and closed businesses, we have learned that even though our lives may look different, we have adapted.

We have overcome obstacles and will continue to do so and it is how we endured the challenges that is important. Some people expressed their emotions through art or adopted a new pet. Some binged movies or made plans for the future. Every hurdle conquered has a story.

These will be the stories we will tell our grandchildren. These are the stories that need to be told. And, as long as people have those stories to tell, we will be here to report them.