Lafayette teachers certified by the National Board

Lafayette teachers certified by the National Board

Jack Deubner, Staff Reporter

Recently, the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) released their list of the now National Board certified teachers. Out of the 126 teachers selected, 12 teachers are from the Rockwood School District and 2 of those are from Lafayette.

Visual art teacher Emily Benner and science teacher Carrie Hall were selected by the NBPTS for their teaching style that improves student learning and for meeting high standards among others.

Over 110,000 teachers have achieved a National Board certification, and Lafayette is proud to be the home of two new teachers to be certified.

“National Board Certification has made me a stronger and more reflective teacher.  It is one of the highest achievements a teacher can pursue in their professional development.  National Board Certification is a process created by teachers for teachers.  It allows teachers to prove to teachers, students, and community that they go above and beyond their normal teaching duties,” Hall said.

Hall worked towards this certification by obtaining a certification in Young Adolescent Science and taking the required four-hour written exam in her educating field, science.

“Very few teachers have National Board Certification because it is a rigorous endeavor.  Achieving National Board Certification had been a professional goal of mine for many years, I am so happy I did it,” Hall said.

A National Board Teaching Certificate is eligible for 10 years and after those 10 years, there is an opportunity to renew certification.