Last Time I… Went Ice Fishing

Jack Deubner, Reporter

Typically during the winter most perspective tourists travel to warmer locations like Florida or California, but junior Alex Moss had a different idea. During January, Moss and his father traveled up to Madison, Wisconsin over a weekend to visit his uncle and go ice fishing.

“We visited a lake about two or three miles outside of Madison, set up shop with a little hut and started fishing for about three hours,” Moss said.

The trip came as a surprise to Moss, school had began a few weeks before the trip and Moss left on a typical two day weekend. So maybe while you were watching Netflix or hanging out with friends, Moss was in a completely different state ice fishing.

“It was pretty spontaneous, my uncle just invited me and my dad up to Wisconsin for the weekend because we haven’t seen him in a while, and we just decided to head on up there,” Moss said.

The trip was over all a success, leaving Moss with a considerable amount of fish caught at the end of the day.

“To be honest we weren’t counting. We were all just enjoying the experience as a whole, but we definitely caught around 15 to 20 fish overall,” Moss said