Hot Links: Five websites essential for spring

Jack Rogan, News Editor

With Spring finally here and summer beginning to come into view, there are a few essential things to have to make sure you’re ready for warmer weather. Once the 80 degree days roll around you’re going to want to be sure you have everything necessary to enjoy yourself. Here are five links that will come in handy these next couple of weeks.

Target, a store that has multiple locations in West County, also has a great website. Target has a wide variety of necessary warmer weather needs, such as bathing suits, towels, sunscreen, and even items for recreation, like blow up pools and beach balls. Target also has many different music players like iPods and MP3 players, so when you’re outside enjoying the weather you can jam out to your favorite tunes. Target helps to ensure that you are prepared for those unexpected days that are just too nice to stay outside, all while remaining price friendly.

Spring is when you, if you’re not used to frigid temperatures, can finally walk outside without a heavy coat on and a thick pair of shoes. With the outdoors being a tad more accessible, however, it means home projects. Whether your front porch needs iron spindles, the back deck needs a good stain, or that trampoline Christmas present needs assembling, the Home Depot has it all. With the proper tools and items, the Home Depot helps you get your projects done without losing your mind- or at least too much of it.

If you fit the stereotype of a West County resident, then you certainly enjoy your getaways to the lake, perhaps Lake of the Ozarks or Tablerock. Wherever it may be, you’re probably somewhere near the water and a pair of comfortable, water resistant shoes is certainly ideal. When you’re boating with your friends or obliviously being pushed into the water, it’s necessary to have a pair of shoes that won’t become ruined after one soak. Sperry’s boat shoes stay intact, even with a little bit of water in them, hence the name.  With a good pair of Sperry’s, you’ll be ready for those unexpected swims.

REI is definitely the place to visit if you’re the outdoors-y type that thoroughly enjoys taking advantage of the wonderful spring temperatures. Whether you’re in need of a new bike to begin riding through Castlewood again, you desire fresh running attire and accessories for your trek through Forest park, or you need another tent and backpack for your camping in Babler State Park, REI has it all. You’ll sure be able to conquer the outdoors with a little help from REI.

Whether it brings good or bad thoughts to your mind, spring can be easily associated with one word; cleaning. The Container Store offers many different types of organizational items, such as closet organizers, garage storage items, and shelving. So, when you’re knee deep in cleaning supplies and overwhelmed by all that you’ve hid behind your closet doors, head to The Container Store’s website to find a way to keep all that clutter looking a little spiffier.