Lafayette High School news. Student-run.

The Lancer Feed

Lafayette High School news. Student-run.

The Lancer Feed

Lafayette High School news. Student-run.

The Lancer Feed

During her 4th Hour ALARP 1 class, language arts teacher Jenny Ingram instructs at the front of the room. Ingram is one of five language arts teachers leaving at the end of this year, and is one of eight teachers who have put in their resignation this school year.
Filling in the blanks
May 6, 2024
Print Editions

How To Water Marble Your Nails

Admit it. You get tired of painting your nails using the same color over and over again.  Next time you paint your nails, instead of painting them the same way you do every time, try water marbling them.  It is a relatively simple and quick design, but it looks complicated and time consuming.

 Materials: three different colors of nail polish, tape, cup filled almost to the rim with room temperature water, unbent bobby pin, toothpick, a paper towel, a cotton swab and nail polish remover.

  1. Paint all of your nails the same color.  This color will barely be visible when the nail design is complete.  Let it dry completely.
  2. Tape all around your nail.  This will make cleanup easier and quicker.
  3. Using the two remaining nail polish colors, put four drops of nail polish into the cup filled with water, alternating between each color.  The nail polish will stay on the surface of the water.
  4. Drag the unbent bobby pin through the nail polish to make your desired design.
  5. Put your nail into the water, so that the nail polish will cover the entire nail, and hold it there for a few seconds.  The nail polish design in the water will transfer to your nail.
  6. While your nail is still in the water, use the toothpick to pick up excess nail polish on the surface of the water.
  7. Take your nail out of the water and remove the tape from your finger.  Blow on your nail to get rid of air bubbles.
  8. Remove any nail polish from the skin around your nail using a cotton swap dipped in nail polish remover.

 The next time you paint your nails, instead of painting them a single color like usual, water marble them for a unique and fun look.

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