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Lafayette High School news. Student-run.

The Lancer Feed

Lafayette High School news. Student-run.

The Lancer Feed

Lafayette High School news. Student-run.

The Lancer Feed

Music teacher Andrew Reader leads Concert Band through the first piece of the night: "Fidelity March."

LHS Bands perform Festival pieces in concert

Abby Scott, Staff Editor February 27, 2025

The LHS bands performed in concert, Feb. 26, in the Theater. All pieces performed at the concert will be played again, as well as judged, at the MSHSAA Large Group Festival, Mar. 4, which will take place...

One man show lunch concerts shut down for safety reasons

Julia Dean, Digital Media Asst. Editor In Chief February 11, 2025

Lafayette’s lunch times became a bit more interesting as junior Zach Diethelm brightened up his school cafeteria with his singing, dancing, and electronic music. It became a lunchtime staple to wait...

Annual Winter Carnival fuels friendly competition

Sam Walowitz, Digital Media Asst. Editor In Chief February 6, 2025

During the annual Winter Carnival at Lafayette High School, juniors Nicolay Knysh, Connor Kash, Logan Martin and Owen Waeckerle had a friendly competition while volunteering at their booths: who could...

For this years Spring Musical, LTC is putting on the show, "Once Upon a Mattress" which is a re-telling of the classic fairytale, "The Princess and The Pea" with just a little twist to it.

LTC to perform Once Upon a Mattress for Spring Musical

Zosia Paciorek and Vedha Inampudi February 3, 2025

For this year’s musical, the Lancer Theatre Company will be performing Once Upon a Mattress in the Auditorium Feb. 6, 7, and 8 at 7 p.m. Doors will be open at 6:30 p.m. and tickets can be purchased online...

At the Dec. 17 Board of Education meeting following RNEA members' rejection of Rockwood's proposed contract, district officials give a budget presentation.

District, teachers at impasse over contract negotiation

Maddy Cox, Lancer Feed Editor In Chief January 31, 2025

During the homecoming pep assembly, junior Mackenzie Kannel, senior Abby Moyer, and junior Rylee Keim get ready for a stunt.

Taking the Tumble

Pavani Manumari, Reporter January 29, 2025

After running through a smooth practice routine, junior Mackenzie Kannel and her team confidently got ready to perform for a two day competition in 8th Grade. While tumbling in an X formation during the...

The LHS Winter Carnival is an annual event with student volunteers running various game stands and activities for kids between Pre-K to elementary school. This year, the event is happening on Saturday, Jan. 25 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Students can volunteer to sign up to through StudentSquare.

Class of 2028 to host annual Winter Carnival fundraiser

Zosia Paciorek, Lancer Feed Asst. Editor In Chief January 21, 2025

Since middle school, freshman Starlet Aghajanyan has involved herself in volunteer work but has never helped out in the LHS Winter Carnival. That will soon change. As both gyms will soon be filled up...

Out of 520 total entries for “Beginnings”, freshman Annabella Graham’s long exposure photo will be one of 74 on display at the St. Louis Kooyumjian Gallery. “I had no clue my photo was gonna get picked at all,” Graham said. “But I was very happy about it.”

photo contributed by Annabelle Graham

Beginnings 2024: More than an exhibition

Ammu Lanka, Reporter January 14, 2025

Although she signed up for photography as an easy art credit, freshman Annabella Graham did not anticipate her photography being selected for Beginnings, a gallery exhibition hosted by Webster University.  Graham...

After being re-opened by the Rockwood School district, Feb. 1., ChatGPT has currently been restricted on all Rockwood-issued Chromebooks as of now. A new program, Chat for Schools is being introduced to the district and a new Canva course will be created in the future to teach students how to use AI.

District restricts ChatGPT, to implement new AI program

Marlie French, Reporter January 3, 2025

The Rockwood School District has restricted ChatGPT from all district devices and networks, as of this October, due to privacy concerns. The district is now shifting their focus towards a new site: Chat...

At the 2022 Madrigal Dinner, Class of 2022 Graduate Caleb Bolton performs as a part of the Royal Court. This dinner is an ongoing tradition occurring every other year during December. The next event will be in 2026.

LHS choir puts on Madrigal Dinner inspired from the Renaissance period

Zosia Paciorek, Lancer Feed Asst. Editor In Chief December 11, 2024

LHS' choir program will host the Madrigal Dinner, Dec. 12 and 13, in the Commons. The dinner includes a catered four-course meal as well as a play put on by the choir students. Each choir member has...

As the MIOS Concert progressed, percussionists sophomores Charlie Henson and Jacob Tate as well as freshman Charlie Heger play their instruments.

LHS, RVMS bands perform in holiday concert

Abby Scott and Ammu Lanka December 9, 2024

Sweaters and Santa hats filled the LHS Gym, Dec. 3, for the annual MIOS concert, featuring RVMS and LHS bands. This is the only concert where all three LHS bands perform all songs together. At the conclusion...

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