Finals week marks end of semester

Sarah Locke

Lafayette’s National Honor Society (NHS) is providing after school tutoring in the library from Dec. 9 to Dec. 16. NHS members will be available to aid in all core and elective subjects until 4 p.m. daily.

“Some students have taken advantage of this resource and received some help, particularly in classes where students have traditionally requested more help like math,” Brian Fish, NHS sponsor, said. 

Final exemption forms were emailed out to sophomores, juniors and seniors on Dec. 5 by Assistant Principal Mandy Lewis. These students are eligible to exempt one final for a class in which they have a 90% or higher.

Students are not able to exempt any Advanced Placement (AP) finals first semester, no matter their grade. 

The exemption form was due on Dec. 13.

Finals week will begin with a normal “A” day with flex on Dec. 16. 

On Dec. 17, students will have their 5th Hour final from 8:28 a.m. to 10:28 a.m. First Hour will then begin at 10:34 a.m., followed by 4th Hour, which includes the three lunch shifts, 2nd hour, 3rd Hour, 6th Hour and 7th Hour. 

Dec. 18 includes the 1st Hour final from 8:28 a.m. to 10:28 a.m. and the 2nd Hour final from 10:38 to 12:38. It will be the first half day of the week, and students will be dismissed at 12:38 p.m. 

Dec. 19 will have 3rd and 4th Hour finals and Dec. 20 will have 6th and 7th Hour finals in the same time format. 

If school is canceled on Monday, Dec. 16, finals will continue as previously scheduled, with 5th Hour first thing on Tuesday. Mark Miles, Rockwood Superintendent, will send out a notice if school is canceled.