Lafayette brings back Challenge Day

Lafayette brings back Challenge Day

Kate Golder, Reporter

Lafayette is once again hosting Challenge Day, an all day leadership workshop aimed at uniting students and faculty through games, exercises, and conversation.

“We look at those common things that we share as individuals that might bring us down…cause us to look at someone differently,”  sponsor Sandy Schilling-Gal, SSD,  said.

The main goal of Challenge Day is to create a united school through celebrating similarities, accepting differences, facilitating open communication and creating positive relationships between students and faculty.

“By the end of challenge day we have a united school, that kids can relate to each other and relate to the adults,” Schilling-Gal said.

Students signed up should expect a fun, yet intense experience, in understanding how to accept and support each other in building a positive environment both in school and in the Wildwood community.

Schilling-Gal is also the sponsor to diversity education club Be The Change. Be The Change is a club that’s goal is to create an open and supportive educational environment.

“To provide youth and their communities with experiential programs that demonstrate the possibility of love and connection through the celebration of diversity, truth, and full expression,” their mission statement states. 

Be The Change meets every Monday at 3:15 p.m.

Challenge Day is being instructed by specialty trained leaders coming from the Challenge Day Organization in California with assistance from Lafayette staff advisers: Assistant Principal Mandy Lewis, physical education teacher Denise Meyer, Schilling-Gal and guidance counselor James Waeckerle. It is being held on Sept. 22.