James named State Winner in News Writing contest; other publications members also recognized

Quill and Scroll and the Missouri Journalism Education Association named award winners this month


John Levine, Reporter

In the 2015-2016 school year, Lafayette student publications staff members won several awards. Lafayette had multiple Quill & Scroll, MJEA finalists, and one MJEA state winner.

The MJEA (Missouri Journalism Education Association) awards student journalists for exemplary work. The publications adviser submits what they determine to be outstanding pieces which are entered into the statewide competition. The pieces are judged and the top 10 percent of pieces in each category are awarded Finalist awards and one entry is selected as the State Winner.

Junior Anna James was the State Winner in the Feature Writing category for her  Jan. 22, 2016 story entitled “Not One of Them.”

Finalists from Lafayette are as follows:
Jessica Collins, News Design of the Year: Inside Page/Doubletruck;
Anna James, Story of the Year: News;
Hannah May and Michaela Rogan, Yearbook Design of the Year: Theme
Julianna Beffa, Yearbook Design of the Year: Double-Page Spread. 

Nine Lancers were also inducted into Quill and Scroll, an honor society for high school journalists. Requirements for induction include a 3.0 or higher GPA, recommendation by a supervisor, and the student must “have done superior work in some phase of journalism or school media work.”

The new inductees were seniors Beffa, Meghana Bharadwaj, Seth Boester, Lauren Cherry, Jessica Collins, Caroline Jordan, Logan Jordan, May and Rogan.

In addition, The Quill and Scroll International Writing and Photo Contest is an annual contest rewarding journalistic excellence in student publications.

From Lafayette, Anna James and Seth Boester won the 2016 International Writing and Photo Contest. James was a National Winner in the News Writing category for the piece “Not One of Them.”

Boester received two awards. On was in the Sports Writing category for the piece “Game On” and the other was the piece “Respect: Real Talk” in the Opinion Writing Category.