Homecoming week comes to an end


Homecoming pumpkin shot put at lunch

Emily DiCarlo, Reporter

The homecoming court consisted of Kendall Goedeke, Liz McKenna, Alex Dederer and Hailey Schue as the maidens for seniors, Peyton Boyd, Justin Schreiner, Austin Hindman and Logan Panchot as the knights.

The lunch games were riveting Tuesday through Thursday. Students competed in egg smashing, pumpkin shot-put, and jousting. Also, Vox Solus and Jazz Band performed Friday during lunch.

The class competitions ended in ties between the sophomores, juniors and seniors, resulting in two rematches during the pep assembly on Friday, where there were also excellent performances by the cheerleaders and escadrille. Male escadrille left the freshman staring in horror and the seniors cheering with excitement.

The football game Friday night was a hotly contested match against Webster Groves, which the Lancers won 17-14.

The Homecoming Queen and King were announced at the Homecoming dance on Saturday, Oct. 1. Peyton Boyd was named king and Kendall Goedeke was named Queen.