Kipp plans to take Polar Plunge for Special Olympics


Amanda Shaw, Assistant Webmaster

Special Education teacher Eric Kipp is taking the Polar Plunge on Feb. 28 at Creve Coeur Lake for this year’s Special Olympics.

During the Polar Plunge, Kipp will race into the lake for a swim, braving the icy cold water.

In order to participate, Kipp must raise at least $75 and currently, he has $25.  He’s hoping to reach his goal of $500.

Last year, Kipp participated in the Plunge wearing a blue and white tutu. He hopes to wear a new outfit for this year’s Plunge.

“Please help sponsor me with a great new outfit this year [to] take the freezing cold plunge,” Kipp said.

All the money collected will support year-round sport and training competitions for more than 7,800 children and adults with disabilities in the St. Louis area.

The Plunge is a project of the Law Enforcement Torch Run and will be hosted by various police departments and other law enforcement agencies around the state.

Kipp invites any willing volunteers to join him for the Plunge or donate and help him reach his goal.

Donations can be made on his page on the Special Olympics Missouri website. Checks can also be dropped in his mailbox or in Room 142.

Despite the expected frigid temperatures, he isn’t worried.

“The colder the better!” Kipp said.Freezing Cold water