French class brings joy on a Monday morning


Garrett McBay, Assistant Webmaster

On Monday, Nov. 9, a group of students from Emmanuelle Tamaroff’s french classes stood around the school, holding signs and handing out note cards with positive messages written on them in french.

“It was about bringing some positivity to the students, showing them that they matter and that we care for them, so we passed out the note cards, made signs and passed out candy,” Tamaroff said.

The event is meant to coincide with National French week, a week to celebrate the teaching of french and was inspired by Vous êtes Super– “you are awesome” when translated to English– a movement created by a man in France.

“It’s a man standing in the middle of the street in Paris, holding a sign and giving out to people free complements to people for no reason at all. It was just to show people empathy, that we need to take time to stop and tell our friends and peers that we care for them,” Tamaroff said.

A collection of the signs and note cards Tammaroff and her students created.
Garrett McBay
A collection of the signs and note cards Tammaroff and her students created.

Tammaroff and her class made more than 1000 note cards to hand out to students before school, with a compliment in french on one side and a English translation on the other.

Katie Phipps, senior, was one of the students who was handed a note card as she entered school.

“There were a bunch of students out front just handing [note cards] out with candy as well. It made me smile and laugh, I thought it was really good, especially for a Monday morning. Everybody hates a Monday morning and that made it really nice,” Phipps said.

Tamaroff thought the movement was a success and hopes to turn it into a yearly event.

“Most of the students responded very well and were just smiling, which in the end is what we wanted to do, to make someone’s day special in a small little way,” Tammaroff said.