Schedule changes to be made on second day of school


Alaina Strollo, Asst. Webmaster

Though the pre-determined schedule change dates have passed, students who wish to alter their schedules will have a chance on the second through tenth day of school.

To avoid complications, counselors will not be changing schedules on the first day of school. Marybeth Desloge, guidance counselor, said all students will need documentation of approval from parents for the schedule change. Students should come to the Guidance Office during the class they plan to drop/switch so they will not miss other academic courses.

All students can request an alteration up until the 10th day of school.

“The counselors will be happy to make semester class changes for students up until the 10th day of semester. After that, we don’t because if you miss more than 10 days [of a class], you cannot earn credit,” Desloge said.

If a student wants to change out of a year-long course such as Honors to regular or vice versa, all changes must be approved by a grade-level principal. In order to determine if the change is necessary, the grade-level principals typically check Infinite Campus and consult with the teacher involved.

According to Desloge, schedule alterations are impossible from time to time due to a class being full or the student’s schedule being tight because of courses only offered at certain hours.

“We do our best to try to make sure students have the classes they want,” Desloge said.