False Alarm!


Megan Rigabar, Copy Editor

Toward the end of 3rd hour today, fire alarms suddenly went off and everyone quickly evacuated the building. However, this incident was a result of a malfunctioning alarm system, not an actual fire.

Faulty alarms in both the gymnasium and the freshman hall were responsible for the disturbance.

“There was one smoke detector that went off for no reason in the gym; nothing was burning. In the freshman hall in the electrical closet, the alarm went off…but there was nothing happening,” Assistant Principal Kirti Mehrotra said.

The administration is currently working to resolve this issue and repair the system.

“The alarm system malfunctioned so we’ve called the alarm company already; one person is already here and we’re waiting for one more person so that they can reset everything and make sure everything’s working,” Mehrotra said.

The class schedule will also be altered to accommodate the time lost to this episode.

“Mr. Shaughnessy’s working on [the schedule] right now. We’ll probably shorten all three classes rather than one class being too short,” Mehrotra said.

To view the new schedule, go to: http://www.rockwood.k12.mo.us/lafayette/announcements/Pages/Faulty-Smoke-Detector-Fixed.aspx