97.1 Talk Radio Spirit Challenge offers $5,000 to school with greatest school spirit

Jennifer Butler, Opinion Editor

After the close defeat in the KSDK poll, students have another chance to redeem themsleves and vote for their school.

Starting on Monday, Sept. 8, LHS will be participating in the 97.1 Talk Radio poll to see which school has more spirit.

All schools submitted in the contest can vote from Sept. 8-15. The top 25 schools will move on to the next round of voting on Monday, Sept. 15-22.

The final round of voting for the top 10 schools will be Monday, Sept. 22-29 adding up to three weeks of voting.

The school with the most votes will win $5,000.

Students can vote up to 10 times in one hour, and they can vote at: www.971talk.com/spirit.