Name: Mack Freeman
Grade: Senior
Sports Involvement: Freeman is a senior forward for the Lafayette hockey team and has been selected for the MSCHA 2024-2025 Senior All-Star game, at the Maryville University Ice Center, Mar. 2 at 7:50 p.m. Freeman is a key player at the forward position. A standout game was the last regular season contest against Lindbergh which Freeman had a double goal performance to lead the Lancers to a 6-3 win over the Flyers on Senior Night.
What was your greatest accomplishment this season?
“Getting 3rd place in our division was pretty good. We’ve got a couple pretty good teams in our division and for a public school with not that many high club-level players, we played pretty well,” Freeman said.
How long have you been playing hockey?
“I have been playing since I was five, including all four years at Lafayette,”
After playing for so long, how does it feel for your career to be over?
“It’s tough, but honestly, it wasn’t as bad as I thought. I’ve played enough and I don’t have regrets, I had a lot of fun,” Freeman said.
What motivates you to play?
“My brother who played hockey, [he is] why started playing and then he will always text me after the game, so I try to play well so I don’t have to listen to him complain to me over text,” Freeman said.
What do you think about when you are on the ice?
I don’t really kind of just always trying to try to get up and look at it for an opportunity to score, look for someone to hit.
Because hockey is only a school sponsored sport, how is it different from sports that are held at Lafayette?
“It’s a little harder to get people to the games because it’s not like you’re going to walk around Lafayette and see hockey being advertised and for some people it’s kind of far to get to the rinks,” Freeman said.
What are your future plans after high school?
“I am going to Mizzou to study business,” Freeman said.