Bus tracking app “Here Comes the Bus” has been available for school districts nationally since it was first developed in 2014. Rockwood entered into a contract with the company at the start of the 2023-2024 school year.
“[The] Transportation Department has had its eye on this app for some time now. The longer [the app] has been in use, the more the company has refined the product, so we felt the timing was right to bring it on board this year for our families,” Mary Lapak, Rockwood’s Chief Communications Officer, said.
According to Mike Heyman, Rockwood Director of the Transportation Department, the app will deliver mobile and email notifications when a bus is nearby, based on a GPS tracking system. Rockwood will also be able to send notifications about bus number changes through the app.
“GPS had to be enabled on all of our buses, and that took some time,” Heyman said.
The district hopes app usage will lead to a more efficient system for both the Transportation Department and Rockwood families.
“[Students won’t] need to stand outside for extended periods of time in the pouring rain, freezing cold or wet snow,” Heyman said. “ We also hope it will cut down on phone calls to the Transportation Department as well, which continues to be short-staffed.”
From March 25, Here Comes the Bus will be in trial for 14 Rockwood buses in the Fenton area.
“[We chose buses in the Fenton quadrant because] it is a small area and would be easy to manage and track,” Lapak said.
After gathering feedback from parents of students who ride these buses, the app will be functional for all Rockwood buses toward the end of the school year.