Senior Final Exam Schedule

Dominic Scaglione, Reporter

The end of the year is hastily approaching and so are finals, the Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior classes have regular exam schedules, but the senior schedule is a lot different then than their underclassman friends.

Starting on Friday, May 13, Zero Hour will have their Final.

The following Monday, May 16, standard classes will have no finals but blocked classes will have their 6th and 7th Hour finals.

Tuesday, May 17, will have standard classes take their 6th and 7th Hour finals while blocked classes will take their 3rd, 4th Hour finals and finish their 6th and 7th Hour finals.

Wednesday, May 18, has standard classes taking 3rd, 4th, and 5th Hour finals while blocked classes will continue their 3rd and 4th Hour finals and then take their 1st and 2nd Hour finals.

Thursday, May 19, will see standard classes taking 1st and 2nd Hour classes and blocked classes taking 1st, 2nd, and 5th Hour finals.

On Friday, May 20, all seniors will have a graduation rehearsal from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

For any more information, go see the Senior Office or the billboard by the pool.