Image staff goes to Indianapolis with hopes of national awards


Anna James, Editor in Chief

Annually, student publication staff takes a trip to Fall JEA/NSPA Journalism Convention. This year it will be located in Indianapolis, IN.

Students involved will go to sessions with guest speakers who come from backgrounds of professional journalistic careers or teaching careers.

These speakers from all across the nation help to expand students knowledge on school coverage and bring new ideas to publications.

However, not only is this a learning opportunity, it gives students a chance to be awarded for their hard work and dedication to publications.

Due to past excellence the 2015-2016 Image staff was nominated a National Pacemaker Finalist for excellence in American student journalism.

Adding on to this, Editor in Chief Anna James is a national finalist for Diversity Story of the Year, for story “Not one of them” in the February 2016 issue of the Image.

To see any of the 2015-2016 school year papers, or to read ‘Not one of them’ visit the ‘As Seen In The Image’ tab of our website.