Freshmen, Sophomore classes hope to raise funds with annual events


Garrett McBay, Reporter

On Saturday, Feb. 1, the freshmen and sophomore classes will run the Freshman Winter Carnival and the Sophomore Trivia Night to try and raise money for their Senior Celebrations.

Starting at 10 am, freshmen, upperclassmen and parents volunteers will transform parts of the school into a miniature carnival, with volunteers running fair-style games aimed towards younger, elementary school aged children, such as bean bag tossing and lollipop trees. As well as running events, volunteers will be in charge of other activities, such as concessions.

“Volunteers are going to be very important for the carnival. Our goal was to get around 100 volunteers from the freshman class and the advisory has even gone around to freshman student’s classes, trying to recruit more volunteers. We want to make the carnival as fun as possible for the participants.” said Jon Trout, freshman class President.

In the past, the carnivals have raised over $4,000 dollars – last year’s carnival raised over $6,000.  To help increase profits, a large number of the prizes and items used for the carnival are donated by parents and outside sources.

“The Lancer Parent Organization (LPO) created committees of parents for things like the games, the prizes, and advertisement. The parents all work on those committees, and their goal is to organize and help as much as they can, so that way we can get more people in and raise some money,” said Colleen Fields, assistant principal

With the help of the LPO on all of the volunteers, Trout is hopeful that the carnival will be able to help his class raise money for their celebration.

“We are hoping to raise more than $3,000 for the Senior Celebration, but over all just to let the participants  have a lot of fun,” said Trout.

After the Carnival ends at 2 pm, the sophomore class will take over and host Trivia Night in the commons at 6 pm. Like their younger counterparts, the sophomores are hoping to raise more money for their Senior Celebration. Participants will be able to create groups with their friends and then compete to see which group knows the most. There will be a silent auction for items such as gift certificates for local businesses and gift baskets.

“The sophomore volunteers will be working tables and running concessions to and from the groups. Adult volunteers will be running the main trivia as well,” said Anna Casey, sophomore Secretary.

Setting the record for last year’s winter carnival, Mandy Lewis, assistant principal, believes that the sophomore class will be able to do it again this year

“Trivia night typically raises between $10,000 to $15,000, and being on the upper side of that would be great. It would even further help the class with their celebration,” said Lewis

Though the events have been planned and preparations have begun, there is a possibility that the events will be cancelled. Their is a chance of rain, sleet and possibly hail for the day that the carnival and Trivia Night have been scheduled, which could cause some people to decide to not come or for the school to cancel altogether. Despite this, Fields thinks that the bad weather is just another reason for people to come.

“No matter what happens, it’s still going to be a lot of fun. So even with the snowy, cold winter that we’ve had, it will be a great opportunity to get out of the house,” Field said.