‘Got Milk?’ no longer the tagline for MilkPEP ads

Hannah Marshall, Webmaster

After 20 years, the Milk Processors Education Program (MilkPEP) is changing their iconic tagline.

Say goodbye to ‘Got Milk’ and hello to ‘Milk Life.’

This new tagline, launched at the beginning of this week, is supposed to boost milk sales, which were on the decline, while increasing awareness of the health benefits of milk.

According to the president at Lowe Cambell Ewald – New York, Sal Taibi,  the ‘Got Milk’ slogan has gotten milk very high awareness, but it’s time for a new message to be conveyed. ‘Milk Life’ is supposed to do that. (adage.com)

The new advertisement images include a young girl jumping into a pool with milk wings behind her and the slogan, “what 8 grams of protein looks like when you decide water wings are for kids,” and a young boy jumping from couch to couch with a milk cape and the saying, “what 8 grams of protein looks like when you bring justice to the living room.”

Their other ads include images of daily routines with milk incorporated around the person, all with a slogan starting with, “what 8 grams of protein looks like when…”

This is supposed to make the advertisement more relatable and personal, showing that milk is necessary to be able to sustain daily life, rather than the previous campaigns with extremely fit celebrities.

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