Roses are red, violets are blue, flowers are overdone, so what’s a gift giver to do?
Wanna know what not to do when it comes to Valentine Day? You’ve come to the right place.
February 11, 2020
There is no end to the number of articles lovers can access to get creative inspiration on Valentine’s Day: creative date ideas for the couples, fun options for the single individuals, inventive recipes to whip up or do it yourself gifts to try and master… but no one talks about the things you should not do on Valentine’s Day, the “day of love.” That said, here’s a list of 10 things not to do on Valentine’s Day, for everyone’s sake.
1. Give money
Cha-ching! Congrats, you now know the definition of “unromantic.” If your going to give them the money just give them the thing you would’ve wasted it on anyways.
2. Write an anonymous love note
Do not go around sending anonymous Valentine’s cards. What is the point? It’s creepy more than anything. If you really do like this person, then tell them!
3. Watch The Notebook
Being one of the most romantic, tear-jerking movies to ever grace the big screen, The Notebook’s romantic expectations give many hope for a chance like that, but it also elicits a sense of heartwarming longing and a consuming sense of desperation, I mean the man wrote 365 letters and stays by Allie’s side no matter what! Just a tip, don’t watch it and save yourself the tears.
4. Doubt that love is out there
It sucks, but when you lose hope, you forget what love is all about. Love is about finding someone who takes that hope that you’ve held onto all this time, and takes it in with gentle arms and transforms all your excitement and anticipation into exactly what that of which you’ve been dreaming of. Don’t give up, love is out there.
5. Talk about your ex
Bringing up past times that you have experienced with your ex could cause your loved one to get jealous and possibly even create an argument. Not something you want on Valentine’s day, right? Although you may not be the person bringing up the awkward past, if they do, then try not to make it a big deal. You can go over this another day.
6. Go overboard or under-board
The best thing to do is to organize something that both you and your spouse can enjoy together without leaving your wallet empty or too full. If one person gets a diamond necklace and one gets a shirt that can get a little awkward. Just save yourself the trouble and communicate!
7. Break up with someone
This one seems like common sense… although surprisingly there are a number of couples who do break up on Valentine’s day. It’s just not a good idea. Imagine someone broke up with you on the most romantic day of the year, and now every year after that, you have the bad memories of being dumped on what is supposed to be a happy and romantic holiday.
8. Forget
Why you must not forget about Valentine’s day… think about how you would feel waking up and giving your loved one their card and gift and they turn around and tell you that they forgot. It’s embarrassing and your loved one had the potential of not being happy with you.
9. Brag
Most people with a working phone and an active social media account can see, on their feed, that you are in a loving, serious, committed relationship. Now, that’s just great for you, but most don’t need you to constantly remind us of your eternal happiness on the one day of the year when were single and it feels a lot like rubbing salt in the wound.
10. Buy dead roses
As a symbol of true love, purity, innocence, reverence, humility, youthfulness and charm the rose is, frankly, cliché. They speak to every girl and they’re overly generic. If you’re going to get flowers, make sure they’re not dead for one and put your own spin on them – for example giving as many flowers for each year you have been together, and of course that nice handwritten note with “I love you because…” (you can fill in the blank).