Nemnich sibling relationships grow while in quarantine
Courtesy of the Nemnich Family
Pictured, left to right, is Megan, Molly, Jenna and Adian Nemnich in Beaver Creek Colorado.
May 4, 2020
Brothers and sisters stuck in quarantine together are doing their best to get along and find new ways to spend time together. For the Nemnich siblings, sophomore Molly, senior Megan, 8th grader Adian and 5th grader Jenna Nemnich, this consists of pulling pranks on each other and watching funny videos to get a laugh while passing the time.
“Our daily schedules are quite different,” Molly said. “We each have our own times in which we do our homework, workout, sleep and relax, but our parents still give us a list of things they would like us to do by the end of the day.”
Amongst the daily chores, the Nemnich siblings have found that, lately, they have been getting along quite well.
“It’s interesting because I actually think we fight more during busier times when communication is weak. Of course, we still have occasional arguments but other than that we have been having a really great time,” Molly said.
For senior Megan, she is grateful for the time she gets to spend with her family before she goes off to college this Fall.
“My relationships with my siblings have gotten slightly stronger simply due to spending more time with them on a daily basis,” Megan said. “We go on lots of walks and hang out more than usual,”
Knowing that Megan will soon be leaving, her younger siblings are happy to be spending this time with her at home.
“I love staying home with my siblings, especially my sister since she’s leaving this Fall, it’s so nice having everyone home together,” Molly said.
Relationships, specifically sibling relationships, are authentic. Quite often, siblings share many experiences, memories and different times in their family’s history. Megan and Molly have always shared a room and have noticed that they never spent this much time together in the past and have appreciated that they’ve grown their relationship through quarantine.
Adian Nemnich used to spend much of his time playing video games, however, his sisters have noticed their bonds with him have become stronger as well. Jenna Nemnich, the youngest, spends much of her time shadowing Molly.
“She is like my little sidekick, I can always count on her to be by my side,” Molly said. As a family, the Nemnichs are filling their days with endless laughs and activities and taking it moment by moment.
“My family just got done painting my kitchen and it was surprisingly lots of fun! Of course, my dogs are always going crazy so they often make us laugh, too,” Molly said.