100 things to do while you’re bored at home


Makayla Archambeault

With Missouri’s stay-at-home order being extended to May, people may be running out of things to do in their homes, which can result in many trying out some new things during their free time.

Makayla Archambeault

As Missouri’s stay-at-home order is extending until at least May, many are finding it hard to keep themselves occupied while staying home all day. If this is the case for you, here’s a list of 100 things to do at home to occupy your time.

  1. Finish your homework
  2. Plan a vacation for after quarantine
  3. Get out some old board games to play
  4. Piece together a puzzle
  5. Order a paint-by-number off of Amazon (or an art supply site)
  6. Put together a list of movies for a movie marathon
  7. Build a fort
  8. Find a workout on Pinterest
  9. Write a letter to yourself for 10 years in the future
  10. Watch Netflix with friends via a screen share on Zoom
  11. Call a friend you haven’t talked to in awhile
  12. Find a podcast to listen to
  13. Read a book
  14. Make a custom memory book with photos
  15. Clean or redecorate your room
  16. Make dinner for your family
  17. Bake something new
  18. Build a wish list of gifts for the next holiday
  19. Start a YouTube vlog
  20. Start a journal
  21. Try a free Zumba workout on YouTube
  22. Go out for a walk in your neighborhood (just be sure to stay six feet away from everyone)
  23. Drive around town
  24. Organize something in your house
  25. Try some yoga
  26. Make a vision board
  27. Start a garden
  28. Write a poem
  29. Take a nap
  30. Listen to some new music
  31. Read up on the current news, it’s not all bad, check out sites like All Good News
  32. Work on learning a new language
  33. Make lists of anything and everything
  34. Dance like no one is watching 
  35. Film a skit with your phone
  36. Make a time capsule
  37. Plan escape routes from your house in case of an emergency
  38. Shop online
  39. Sign up for a free online class
  40. Go through all the photos on your phone
  41. Learn the entire army alphabet
  42. Browse Zillow to find a dream home
  43. Plan your next Halloween costume (it’s never too early)
  44. Organize the apps on your phone
  45. Write reviews to post online
  46. Make an Instagram account for your pet
  47. Actually update your computer
  48. Re-watch your all-time favorite movie
  49. Make a list of people who inspire you
  50. Try an adult coloring book
  51. Edit some photos
  52. Watch or listen to a TED Talk
  53. Research about one thing you’ve always wondered about
  54. Plan a post-quarantine party
  55. Watch some old home videos
  56. Watch a free concert on TV
  57. Photograph the wildlife right outside your house
  58. Go on Google Maps and drop yourself at a random place in your state and see if you can navigate your way to your house
  59. Stargaze
  60. Google yourself
  61. Take a few Buzzfeed quizzes
  62. Trace your ancestry
  63. Direct message your favorite celebrities on Instagram
  64. Find and plan/do a 30-day challenge
  65. Make a meal plan for a week
  66. Try a DIY craft
  67. Write a play
  68. Wash your car
  69. Watch an online documentary
  70. Do some laundry
  71. Play a card game
  72. Find an online game
  73. Binge an entire series on Netflix
  74. Try out some new hairstyles
  75. Make playlists for your friends
  76. Try some origami
  77. Find something to upcycle
  78. Find some of your old Legos and build something
  79. Download an app to make some stop-motion animation
  80. Try a crossword puzzle
  81. Write down some goals for your life
  82. Clean out your inbox
  83. Start writing a will
  84. Find and join a virtual choir
  85. Watch the Northern Lights
  86. Adopt a pet (parent permission is advised, of course) 
  87. Watch a live feed of an empty tourist spot
  88. Watch a movie on Amazon Prime
  89. Start a new family of Sims
  90. Play Animal Crossing
  91. Ride a roller coaster
  92. Watch a recording of an old Awards Show (or the Image win Best of Show
  93. Order a new toy for a pet
  94. Do a face mask
  95. Learn to sew, crochet or knit
  96. Watch dessert decorating videos on YouTube
  97. Learn calligraphy
  98. Tye-dye some white clothes
  99. Start brainstorming gift ideas for friends and family
  100. Absolutely nothing, just relax

Hopefully one of these 100 things stood out to you and has inspired you to try when your bored. With just a little bit of boredom-busting, let us all remember that we can all make it through this trying time, together.