What’s up with that?

Can students really leave school after 10 minutes if the teacher is not there?


Emily DiCarlo, Reporter

Students have always held out on a secret hope that their teacher will not show up for class, therefore giving them the freedom to return home and skip class for the rest of the day. Some people have their doubts about the validity of this claim, considering no one in the recorded history of Lafayette has successfully pulled off this stunt.

“This is a general rule for college, but not for here,” Assistant Principal Mandy Lewis said.

Students are advised to “come let us know if by chance something’s not going right… we want to make sure our kids are safe,” Lewis said.

Though these claims have been around for a while, Lewis is not sure where the rumors started that students may leave school in the absence of a teacher in class.

Kids as young as 6th graders have claimed the ability to leave school if the teacher is not present. However, this is not true and any student that tries to leave school during the day without a pass will be marked truant.