Mystery Solved: What is the origin of Lafayette’s color scheme and mascot?


Ben Rachell, Entertainment Editor

At Lafayette, there are many unanswered questions about the schools history and strange occurrences that occur on a daily basis. One of those questions was raised by senior Sean Higgins. Higgins said, “I’ve always wondered where our school’s name and color scheme has come from.”

Lafayette High School has been open since 1960 and Assistant Principal Tim Jones said, “Our colors black and white have remained since the school was created in 1960 and haven’t changed.” Due to the school’s explosive population growth, the school also needed an icon to help represent the school.

According to Lafayette’s Student Handbook section about the school’s history school, “The mascot made its appearance in 1965,” Lafayette incorporated our adorned mascot, Louie the Lancer.

In 1989, due to excessive growth in population the school had to split off and move into a new building (our current building). Even through that change the school’s signature look has been maintained.