Five Questions: Markus Stauder


Kate Golder, Reporter

Every couple weeks The Image goes around asking students random questions in order to get to know them a little better. This week sophomore Markus Stauder was profiled!

Q: What’s your favorite Adam Sandler movie and why?

Stauder: “The one where he was a hockey player but then he started playing golf. Because it is the only one he is actually good in.” Let the record state that the movie he is referring to is Happy Gilmore.

Q: What’s is the most pressing problem in the world and how would you fix it?

Stauder: “Not enough memes and I think the solution to that problem would be to create more memes.”

Q: Who is the person you would most trust with your HBO-GO Passover?

Stauder: “I would have to say my older brother, Francis.”

Q: What is your favorite meme?

Stauder: “It’s an oldie but a goody. It is the meme where Leonardo DiCaprio is walking all happily on the street. That is my favorite meme!”

Q: What is one law you would get rid of if you could?

Stauder: “I hear there is a law in Sweden where you’re not aloud to flush the toilet after a specific time, so I would get that out. I’m not even kidding because one time I was in Sweden and my dad was like, ‘No you’re not suppose to flush the toilet now!’ And so I think it should be equal for everyone to flush their toilet at any given time.”