HOSA members take home awards at State

HOSA members take home awards at State

Brinlee Frazier, Staff Reporter

Lafayette’s HOSA (Future Health Professionals) recently returned from the State competition in Rolla, MO. The competition went well. Copious Lafayette HOSA participants received awards.

These students were awarded for their performances in the following categories: CERT Skills (Disaster relief skills):   Sannitha Baragada & Eleni Tambassis, second place; Epidemiology: Nina Ruan first place in state; Forensic Medicine: Taylor Hand & Erika Youngberg, third place in state; Medical Law & Ethics: Lina Qi, first place in state; Medical Math: Sai Allu, second place in state; Medical Photography: Wendy Han, first place in state; Physical Therapy: Emily Stevens, third place in state ; first place in state-Sabrina Wright; Prepared Speaking: Shruthi Ramalingam, second place in state; Public Health:  Gissel Salazar-Rodriguez, Prathi Pitchyaiah, Harley Wilhelm, second place in state.

The Following students were finalists in their events:  Clinical Specialty (Audiology): Jessica Tremper, fourth place; Extemporaneous Health Poster: Jamie Henderson; Health Education: Joy Chen, Christine Shao; Medical Photography: Beesan Daoud; Pharmacology: Jenna Andrawos; Public Service Announcement: Hannah Harrison, Jaclyn Robinson, Chloe Wessel.

Participant Tori Ruesch, junior, attended the event.

She said, “To get to State, you have to be a member of the Lafayette chapter of HOSA, and you have to work on your event, mostly outside of school. This could be putting together a presentation or doing a practical, an even where they judges judge you on your execution of the skill.”

Ruech’s group presented a Medical Innovation, in which they cane up with an innovation of multiple antigen immunotherapy to treat allergies.

At State, competitors, individual or groups, must complete their events. It can either be a presentation, test or a practical. Throughout the two days, they go to at least three tables and listen to people from the medical field.