Humans of Lafayette: Meet Edward Vakula

Humans of Lafayette: Meet Edward Vakula

Brinlee Frazier, Staff Reporter

With a personal record of seven seconds flat, this student is a Rubik’s Cube connoisseur. Edward Vakula, sophomore, has been highly interested in solving the notorious Rubik’s Cube ever since his friend left it at his house one day.

“My friend brought a Cube to my house, and I played with it for two hours and then I didn’t know what I was doing. I got one for Christmas, and was able to solve it within three days off of a tutorial on YouTube.” Vakula said.

With practice, his time became faster and faster, which lead him to compete in a total of nine competitions, all around the country. He even competed in the 2014 Nationals Rubik’s Cube Competition. He didn’t place or move onto finals, but he is determined to keep on moving forward. He continues to work on his time and hopes he can place in finals one day.

“You have to be fast to get into finals. I can definitely do finals now.”

Recently, Vakula and his friends started a Rubik’s Cube club and he plans on being president of it. They meet every Thursday in Room 96.