Club Spotlight: Tuesday Night Rock Band


Anna Preuss, Reporter

The many clubs of Lafayette exist to help students express themselves outside of the classroom. With all the musical talent at Lafayette, it is only fitting to have a club where kids can learn and perform new music for the school. This is exactly what Tuesday Night Rock Band (TNRB) does.

Harry Young, junior and co-lead singer, described the band as a great way to get over your fear of performing.

“We perform in front of the school usually during school events like the basketball games. I think TNRB is a great way to get over your fear of performing in front of large crowds. Since I’m performing for the school, these are people I know and I’m more comfortable performing. In a way, I think its more exciting playing music for your peers, so they can see what you can do,” Young said.

However, TNRB is not a club you can join easily. You have to audition along with other students to get into the band.

“Mrs. Bolton holds auditions for guitarists, bassists, singers and drummers. I was lucky enough to be chosen as a co-lead singer. Being in a band, especially as a lead singer, has always been a dream of mine,” Young said.

Music teacher Traci Bolton picks students she thinks are the most appropriate for the band and they practice on Tuesday nights from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

“TNRB is great because of the many performance opportunities we get. It really helps with experience. In the past we’ve played at the Holiday Showcase in December and we’ve played a few halftime shows at the varsity basketball games. We are going to be performing at the Academic Pep Assembly and at the end of the year we get to perform at the Lafayette Guitar Festival,” Young said.

TNRB plays for various school events. Recently, they played at Mr. LHS, the male beauty competition on Thursday, Feb. 19.

“If you want to get into performing when you are older, this is a good place to start. I’m always laughing and smiling when I’m up performing. I’m comfortable with these people and being in a band introduces you to amazing people you wouldn’t know otherwise. I’m no longer afraid of messing up and now I’m more comfortable in my own skin,” Young said.