Club Spotlight: Latin Club

Jack Rogan, Life Editor

One of the smaller, less-known clubs at Lafayette is Latin Club.

While Latin Club is technically a club representing the Latin language, it also is open to students who are not involved with the language.

Latin teacher Richard Esswein sponsors the club and describes it as more of a social atmosphere than club studying the Latin language.

“We don’t do much that is Latin related. It is more just an opportunity for students to come together and to enjoy visiting with each other for a bit,” Esswein said.

The club meets every Wednesday afternoon and typically sees about five to ten students each meeting. The club is under the leadership of junior Jacob Foster.

Foster has taken Latin for three years and sees Latin Club as a way to meet new people and spend time with friends.

“As far as a goal goes, we don’t have too much of a mission other than to have a good time and build a network of friends,” Foster said.

In addition to spending quality time with peers, Latin Club members participate in a “Toga Bowling” outing in which students, some of which are not club members, bowl at a local alley dressed in togas. According to Foster, the event is very entertaining.

“We go out in public dressed in bed sheets and various other articles, bowl a few games and make Latin jokes. We have a good time,” Foster said.

This year’s event took place on Jan. 20 and about 20 people participated.

While Latin Club seems to strive for an enjoyable time, the language itself serves as an important aspect of the education of those involved, especially Foster.

“Classical education is steeped in [Latin] and it permeates our everyday lives. My appreciation has grown since I took the class. It makes me a better scholar and student,” Foster said.

Latin Club has recently moved to Rm. 288 under the oversight of Melissa Schumacher while Esswein has coaching duties.

To join in on the fun-filled atmosphere of Latin Club (which often includes desserts provided by Foster), attend a meeting on a Wednesday afternoon.