Club Spotlight: Anime club, more than meets the animated eye

Elly Levy, Asst. Opinions Editor

Books, movies, discussions and arguments out the wazoo. Every Wednesday, the Anime Club members meet to share their extensive knowledge of the classical work of the Japanese-animated world. Every week, this group comes together to discuss the latest anime trends including art, books and movies. Occasionally, they even hold contests of their own.

Club sponsor Jennifer Pautz cares to share how the people involved are unlike any other.

“It’s not your typical club; there are a lot of different people and personalities involved, and because of that, sometimes it can get hectic, but that’s what makes it interesting,” Pautz said.

Pautz herself studied Japanese culture in high school, so she is extremely well versed when it comes to things such as anime.

“The sponsor position was actually passed down to me. It’s extremely interesting to see all the different people that come in every week,” Pautz said.

Despite the occasional heated discussions, freshman Josie Sigwart sees this club as a good place to relax and hang out.

“My friends got me into it. It’s a good place for people to just hang out, relax and meet cool people,” Sigwart said.

Sigwart said people come together to share different anime with each other as well.

The club’s sole focus is not just anime. They seem to find something new to talk about every time they meet. It’s a place to expand your cultural horizons and meet an ever-expanding group of some amazing people.