DIY Waterproofing Shoes


Madison Kesselring, Reporter

Winter is drawing near and what comes before snow? Rain. Wet, dirty, gross precipitation people will have to walk through every day, ruining beautiful new shoes. Waterproofing your shoes can make that rain a little more bearable. With just a few quick steps that will take only minutes, waterproofing shoes is easy and efficient.

The supplies that will be needed:


-Blow dryer

-Pair of shoes.

First, take the beeswax and apply it evenly to the shoe. Make sure it is thick and covers the entire shoe.

If you’re against messes, wear gloves and hold a washcloth around the wax so it’s not touching your hand.

To finish up, use a blow dryer to melt the wax across the shoe and let it sit for at least five minutes.

Then, voila! A pair of waterproofed shoes.