Winter Formal spirit week kicks off Jan. 27
Students dance under the lights of the 2019 Lafayette Winter Formal that was themed “Ice, Ice Baby.”
January 24, 2020
Lafayette’s “Roaring 20s” Winter Formal week will begin on Jan. 27 and the dance will be on Feb. 1. Each day of the week will have a theme day and starting on Tuesday the tickets will be on sale for the dance.
Student Council (STUCO) President Derek Schreiner said, “Winter Formal is a great opportunity for people who think Homecoming may have been a little overcrowded or a bit more busy because it is a much more relaxed dance with not quite as many people, but everyone still has a great night.”
Throughout the week the spirit days are:
- Monday: Involvement Day (Club Picture Day)
- Tuesday: Disney Day
- Wednesday: Suicide Prevention Day (Wear Yellow)
- Thursday: Beach’n vs. Skiing
- Friday: Roaring Jungle and Pep Assembly
- Saturday: Winter Formal Dance from 7:30-10 p.m.
STUCO picks the spirit weekdays, and this year they explained how they chose Wednesday’s spirit day of Suicide Awareness.
“We chose Wednesday’s spirit weekday because Lancers Helping Lancers had asked us to try to raise awareness for the epidemic occurring and try to reach out to those in need,” Schreiner said.
On Tuesday, Thursday and Friday you can buy a ticket to the dance during Lunch and Flex Time. Tickets are $10 for one ticket and $20 for two tickets.
Schreiner said, “People should get involved because it is always a fun occasion and when more people do it, it is more enjoyable and can easily create a happy memory that they will remember for a while.”
STUCO Dance Chair Laney Tvrdik is excited about the upcoming Winter Formal and Pep Assembly.
“My favorite part in Winter Formal is seeing the similar excitement everyone has between Winter Formal and Homecoming, as well as the fun dance and pep assembly at the end of the week.” Tvrdik said.
In addition to the dress up days, the Library will have a 50 cent fine forgiveness days as well as hosting a raffle each day for a free book.