Freshman class hosts annual Winter Carnival


The Freshman Class collects donations in preparation for the Winter Carnival

To prepare for the Winter Carnival, volunteer sign ups and donations are now open.

“The Winter Carnival takes place Saturday, Jan. 27. Volunteering opportunities start Friday evening at 5 p.m. to set up the carnival. Another shift for set up will take place Saturday morning, and there are also two shifts of volunteer time during the carnival,” Assistant Principal Mandy Lewis said.

“Students can volunteer to help the concessions, they can volunteer to help run a specific game, they can volunteer to help with the raffles or silent auction,” Lewis said. “We also have coat check that we will actually need some volunteers for.”

There are a variety of games at the carnival students can sign up to manage as well as the mentioned coat check, set up and clean up. The signup link is posted on the Lancer Parent Organization‘s website, and includes a list of booths students can volunteer at as well as the time shifts available.

Among traditional carnival games planned for the event, such as picking a duck out of a duck pond, there are also games designed for older kids. These include shooting basketballs, playing hockey or lacrosse, according to Lewis.

The Winter Carnival is the first of four school fundraisers for the class of 2021. Profits gathered will go towards their senior celebration.

“That money builds year after year, and the more money we can get in there, the better and it will benefit your class in the long run,” Lewis said.

In addition to the many volunteers that are needed, Freshman Advisory, a school-led group that plans events for the freshman class, has become majorly involved in the preparation and organization of Winter Carnival.

“We have 1,800 tickets that we’re tearing into groups of 20, we’ve had some different collections of stuffed animals we’ve been doing,” Lewis said. “We’ve been putting some things on lockers, so we do all of that through Freshman Advisory”

Freshman Advisory meets on Thursdays and 7:45 a.m in Room 112.