EOC Exams to alter schedule for weeks
The modified EOC schedule, which goes into effect on Monday, April 24. More information on scheduling can be found on www.rockwood.k12.mo.us.
April 11, 2014
Lafayette has once again reached the time for End of Course (EOC) exams. While not all students have to take them, it will affect all students due to scheduling changes during the testing weeks.
Exams begin on April 11 and go on until May. Classes taking the exams include Algebra 1, Government, Biology, English 1, English 2, U.S. History and U.S. Government.
Students will be taking the Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) EOC test that was created by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) in order to meet the state requirements while still meeting the needs of school districts, teachers and students.
Jeff Puls, the Director of Research, Evaluation, and Assessment for Rockwood, sent out a letter to Rockwood explaining EOC testing.
“The purposes for the MAP EOC exams include: measuring and reflecting student mastery toward post-secondary readiness, identifying student strengths and weaknesses, communicating expectations for all students, serving as the bases of state and nationally accountability plans, and evaluating programs,” Puls said.
With the MAP EOC, students are given a proficiency level based on their results which is then given to the students, school district, and the state. Some classes also use the results to factor into a small percentage of the course grade (usually 4 percent).
Sean O’Connor, math teacher and former MAP EOC testing supervisor, said, “I think it is beneficial when comparing the effectiveness of district teaching strategies, but on the downside, it stinks how early the EOC testing happens because of how hard it is to fit in all of the curriculum.”