Senior release forms will be handed out on Thursday, May 13 to seniors wishing to be released from their finals for the following week. Seniors who have received an A in a class for the semester are allowed to exempt the exam unless the course is being taken for college credit.
The release sheet allows seniors to be excused from attendance during finals week. However, there are four sections that must be completed in order to be released.
They are academic requirements, locker check-out, fines/fees/discipline obligations and securing the gown ticket for graduation.
The final exam schedule is posted in various places around the school as well as printed on the back of the final exemption sheet. For standard schedule exams that need more than one hour to be completed, they will be started the previous day in order for adequate completion time.
If a class has not been exempt, seniors do not have to go to all of their classes on that given day, only the class in which they must take their final exam. For example, if a student is taking a 3rd Hour final, he/she must be present for that particular class period. In this case it would be Wednesday, May 19, acording to the exam schedule.