A new policy was enacted this year that allows students to use their cell phones during school hours. According to the Rockwood School District handbook, cell phones may be used, “before school, during passing periods and at lunch.”
Students are embracing the revisions of the cell phone policy. Many said they have used their cell phone during passing periods and lunches, texting friends or parents.
With cell phones being such an important part of how teens communicate, students feel it makes sense to be able to use them when they are out of class.
“It’s less tempting for students to use their phones during class if they can use it out of class. You can wait a few minutes [until you’re out of class],” junior Haley Morrell said.
Although this new policy permits cell phone use when students are out of class, it is limited to passing periods and lunch periods. Students may not use their cell phones during a class period just because they are in the hallway and not in a classroom, they would have to wait until class lets out.
Any use of cell phones other than the designated times can result in up to three days in-school suspension.