Robert Pattinson and Emilie de Ravin star in Summit Entertainment’s new film, Remember Me. The story tells of a young man, Tyler (Pattinson) who has been through a very difficult past few months. He meets Ally (Ravin), through a twist of fate and she brings feeling and reason back to his life.
The director captures the events of this story and portrays them darkly and bluntly, drawing the sympathy and pity from his audience. This film had a very depressing tone.
The soundtrack includes a wide variety of artists and styles, which appeal to many different groups of people. It fit the movie well and seemed like a lot of thought was put into the selection process.
I personally loved Ruby Jerins’ performance. She rocked her role in this movie. Not only did she capture the character’s personality quite well, but also was a natural on screen.
The story was a bit cliché’ throughout, but the end of the movie proved it was a creation all its own. I thought the ending was a bit much, but I will say it was definitely unexpected.
Overall I give it 3.5 stars out of 5.