Catcher in the Rye: a beautiful tale unjustly hated

Many juniors across the Rockwood school district pick up a copy of widely-banned book Catcher in the Rye. Most parents dislike the book for its crude language, occasional sexual themes and the whole notion of Holden Caulfield’s quest.

Despite many parents’ objections, Catcher in the Rye is a classic story that all highschoolers need to read.

After being kicked out of school for the umpteenth time, Holden must face his parents’ wrath yet again. Already on death row, Holden decides to live it up before going to the gallows. He embarks on several misadventures involving alcohol, sex and his quest to find honest innocent people. Holden, an individualist, has trouble meshing to the carbon-copy people in society and only connects with those few innocents left in the world. Holden’s tale turns tragic while again he’s faced with the difficult decision to either give up his beliefs and conform, or be his original self and end up alone.

The tale appears shallow and stupid at first glance, but Holden’s plight really is deep and real. He truly struggles with the relatable issue of being oneself and ending up alone or selling one’s soul to be popular.

Holden’s almost naive need to find those few genuine people in the world tugs at the heartstrings. The book had a very humorous light air until it began to tear at your heart. Its hard not sympathize with Holden. His initial carelessness makes his struggle all the more painful to watch. The author, J. D. Salinger captured the struggle of a teenager finding there way with haunting accuracy.