Pintrest seems to be the favored social network for high school girls looking for crafty, new styles to try out. Everyone seems to be talking about the hair styles they “pinned last night” or the nail art they “discovered on Pinterest.”
But there’s another social media network stepping up to the plate: Tumblr.
Tumblr, founded by David Karp, has been around since 2007.
Tumblr users, in essence, get to create their own website full of pictures and GIFs that they see as inspiration, funny or just interesting and different. The coolest part, in my opinion, is that users get to create their own URL. And each website that each user makes looks different: they get to choose their own theme and make it their own.
Scrolling through the dashboard, where users can see pictures and GIFs that users they follow reblogged, it’s rare to see a repeated image. And that’s one of the best things about the website– it’s never boring. There’s always something new to see, something creative to look at, something “out there” to laugh at.
Tumblr is also enjoyable because it’s so hidden. Think about it, you can reblog whatever you want without the fear of being judged that you might have while on Pinterest, Twitter or Facebook. Sure, some people you know will follow you, but I find the majority of my followers are just people from around the world who share my interests, not people from school who feel obliged to follow me because they “know me.”
To me, and I’m sure many other users out there, Tumblr is like a “family” of unique, intelligent, creative people who aren’t afraid to say what they think and share what interests them, and that’s why Tumblr is the most preferred social networking site.
While Tumblr may not teach you step by step ways to create the perfect outfit or new waterfall braid like Pinterest, the pictures are much more interesting than seeing pictures of girls with perfect hair and nails in every other picture.
Follow this link to get to the tumblr homepage: