Administration prepares for graduation, Senior Parade events
The class of 2020 celebrates with streamers after their graduation ceremony commences. Last year’s graduation was held at the same venue as this year’s, the Power Plex, and similarly had people watch from their cars. In years past, the graduation ceremonies have taken place on the football field, with spectators watching from the bleachers, but the new format was devised in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
May 20, 2021
With a little under two weeks of the school year left, students are booking their summer vacations or planning fun activities with their friends.
But for the Class of 2021, it is more than just the end of this school year, it is the end of their high school experience. With just nine days left to walk the halls of Lafayette High School with their classmates, they have multiple activities planned for them.
Graduation marks the milestone of completing high school. but as all things this year, COVID-19 has caused some changes to the event. Principal Karen Calcaterra said the ceremony will be taking place at the Power Plex located at 5555 St. Louis Mills Blvd. in Hazelwood at 7 p.m. on June 2.
Each graduating senior will get two tickets, meaning they are able to bring up to two vehicles, as family members and guests will watch from their car. The event will also be livestreamed for anyone who can’t attend.
“I feel that it’s important for the Class of 2021 to be together one last final time to celebrate all of their accomplishments and hard work over the last 13 years,” Calcaterra said.
But before graduates throw their caps in the air and finally end their high school experience, they have to prepare for the event. Graduation practice will take place at 9am in the main gym on the morning of graduation.
But graduation isn’t the only thing that these seniors have to look forward to. The Senior Parade will give administrators, staff and members of the Lafayette community a chance to celebrate the seniors.
This event is fairly new, with the first parade taking place last year as a way to celebrate the Class of 2020 in the early stages of the pandemic. This year, the parade is set to take place on May 24 from 6-7 p.m. through the Lafayette parking lot.
Since it is a car parade, Calcaterra recommends that each senior is driven by their parents or guardians so that the soon-to-be graduates can fully experience the event without having to focus on driving. Colorful signs and car decorations are also welcomed and encouraged.