Senior panoramic photos available for pickup


Jack Weaver

After lining up in the parking lot, the Class of 2018 makes their way into temporary bleachers to take the panoramic picture.

On Sept. 11, the Class of 2018 took its Senior Panoramic Picture in front of the Stadium Entrance.

The pictures will be available for purchase during all lunch shifts on Tuesday, Sept. 12.

Goldbeck Company took the photographs, and they accept cash, checks, or money order for the photos.

The different prices include: $25.00 for the Panoramic, $35.00 for a Large Laminated Panoramic and one Medium Panoramic, and $45.00 for one Large Laminated Panoramic, a Medium Panoramic, and one Medium “18” formation picture.

The checks should be made payable to “Goldbeck Company,” and a phone number should be included on all checks.