TRUE Crew leaders to advise freshman about finals in first annual Cocoa ‘n Cram session

Stressing out about finals? Don’t know where to even begin studying? The first annual Cocoa ‘n Cram session will be held this Thursday, December 12, in the Commons for all freshmen that are in need of a little extra help.

TRUE Crew Leaders and teachers will be hosting it and all students are invited to join in this study preparation session with hot cocoa and snacks provided.

“One of our goals is to get the freshmen as prepared as possible for finals. Another is to establish a sense of community that says we will support you and that you aren’t alone,” Assistant Principal Colleen Fields said.

She also mentioned the importance of working together with peers and also having upperclassmen that have endured finals to advise the freshmen.

“I think [this event] speaks to what Lafayette is about, which is supporting our students,” Fields said.

If you are seeking some help and advice, consider dropping by Cocoa ‘n Cram at any time from 3:15 to 4:15 after school this Thursday.