Annual Rockwood College Fair to be held Monday, Sept. 16 at Marquette

Over 120 colleges from all parts of the country will be present and waiting to meet Rockwood students at Marquette High School this Monday during the annual Rockwood College Fair.

The fair, which runs from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in two of MHS’ gyms, gives students to the opportunity to meet with admissions representatives from various institutions and ask any questions they might have, as well as demonstrate to the universities they have interest in attending their school.

“If you have already applied to the school, it’s a great time to get a little face time with the admissions representative, which helps [a student’s] application stand out among others,” Cheryl Egan, College Admissions Specialist, added.

“[Students] can get questions answered that are scholarship-related, residence-related, or whatever other questions there are,” Egan said.

According to Egan, students should register at  Once registered, students will receive a bar code specific to them which they can access on their smartphone, or, as Egan recommends, print out on a separate sheet.

Egan noted that the bar code will be easier for colleges to scan if it is on a piece of paper, which maximizes face time students can have with representatives from schools they are interested in.

Students can also register at the event itself.

More information, including a PDF brochure of all the colleges that will be in attendance, can be found on Lafayette’s College and Career Center website or in their office.