Starting on Apr. 30, End of Course Exams (EOC’s) will commence at Lafayette. These exams are mandated and only certain classes will be taking them.
In the math department, Two-year Algebra 1, Part 2; Algebra 1; and SSD Math 2 will take an EOC.
In the language arts department, A/LARP2; Honors English 10; Lit/Comp 10; and SSD Communication Arts 10 are mandated to take the test.
In the science department, Two-year Biology, Part 2; Biology; Honors Biology; and SSD Science 2 will take an EOC.
Also, US Government and SSD US Government will take an EOC.
On Monday Apr. 30, period 1 and period 5 will take their EOC exam. On Tuesday May 1, an EOC will be given for period 2 and period 6. On Thursday May 3, period 3 and period 7 will take an exam. The last day of EOC testing will be Friday May 4, where the test will be given to period 4 and period 6.
This whole week is a modified A day, as the periods taking EOC exams will be 104 minutes long.
Lunches will also be affected due to the EOC exam schedule. First lunch is 10:50-11:20, second lunch is 11:20-11:50 and third lunch is 11:50-12:20.
Any make-up EOC exams will be administered throughout the testing window, on Wednesday and Friday afternoon.