Every year the Superintendent of Rockwood School District writes a report on the district’s adequate yearly progress (AYP), which shows if the district met the academic testing standards set by the state. This year’s AYP was based on the scores of the Spring 2010 Missouri Assessment Program (MAP).
This year’s report revealed that Rockwood did not meet the required performance established by the federal government. In order to meet AYP all of the district’s sub groups, which are classified by race, students receiving free/reduced price lunches and students with limited English proficiency have to meet the performance target.
Although not all of the subgroups met the performance targets set by AYP, Rockwood’s overall average exceeded the AYP target of 67.4 in communication arts with 74.3. And the mathematics target of 63.3 with a 71.
Rockwood Superintendent Bruce Borchers wrote in his letter to Rockwood parents that the district will collect information and feedback from stakeholders and has a developed a plan for improvement.