April 18-National Pet Owner’s Day
April 19- National Garlic Day
April 20- National Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day
April 21- National Kindergarten Day
April 22- Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day*
April 23- International Sing Out Day
April 24- National Plumber’s Day
On March 18, 2010, U.S. Senators Richard Burr and Mary Lanrieu submitted a resolution which would recognize Thursday, April 22, 2010, as “Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day.”
The program, created over 16 years ago, was meant to be more than a mere career shadowing experience. It encourages parents to take their children to their workplace, in efforts to reveal the importance of their everyday work and the significance of their children’s education.
This year’s theme is 1 Youth, 1 Dream, 2Morrow’s Leader, written in texting format for more widespread appeal. The organization hopes this theme will spark discussion between families about the children’s own dreams for the future.