March 29- Coca Cola invented
March 30- National Hot Dog Day
March 31- Tater Day
April 1- April Fool’s Day*
April 2- National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day
April 3- National Find a Rainbow Day
April 4- National Reading a Road Map Day
April 4- Easter
*April Fool’s day has no precise origin, yet there are several theories on how this specific holiday came about.
One theory suggests the holiday has been around since the Julian calendar became the Gregorian calendar in the 1500s. Previously, New Years day was March 25 and festivals were held on April 1. Those who forgot about the calendar re-organization and celebrated the New Year on April 1 were known as ‘April Fools.’
Other assumptions have been made as to why the first of April is a celebrated day of trickery, however, this one seems to be the most plausible.