A day in the life of Delaney Sohn
Delaney Sohn, junior, and her parents walk their dog Dane wile stuck at home due to Covid-19.
Schools across the nation have changed their curriculum to an alternative online approach while the rising epidemic of COVID-19 becomes a more relevant issue affecting not only schools and businesses but the daily lives of students.
“At first it was hard getting comfortable with the changes but as long as I have a routine that I stick to, it makes my life a whole lot easier,” junior Delaney Sohn said.
At around 7 a.m. Sohn wakes up, as she would on a normal school day, makes coffee and breakfast, then brushes her teeth and showers. Sohn tries to keep her days as normal as possible, treating them as if it were a normal school day so her routine stays similar throughout the week. Around 8 a.m. Sohn sits down at her desk and her school work begins.
“My teachers are taking it easy on us as we adjust to this change and are communicating very well. It makes assignments easier at home,” Sohn said.
Sohn also tries to keep active while stuck at home. After completing her work for the day she either runs or walks around her neighborhood or does some light body workouts in her home.
“It takes my mind off things, doing some kind of activity as well as talking to friends,” Sohn said. “I try to make time to correspond with my friends because it keeps me sane in these crazy times.”
The Sohn family also has taken steps to ensure they are getting quality family time by playing games or watching movies. On the weekends, everyone has a lot more free time on their hands. Sohn said that this time she likes to devote to family and more walks.
“After dinner, we play or watch some more games and movies and then around 10 p.m. or 11 p.m. I go to bed,” Sohn said.
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